Coffee, as a part of humanity, has come along with a plethora of questions, and in early attempts to answer them, we came up with some misconception, in turn resulting in myths when history perpetuated them. Putting away substances like alcohol and even cannabis, coffee is one of the most controversial substances we consume.
Common Myths and Misconceptions about Coffee
To bring some light into the subject and debunk some coffee-related myths, That Coffee Roasters decided to list some of the most common misconceptions around the beverage and explain the truth behind them.
Myth number 1: “Don’t drink coffee in the afternoon, it’ll give you insomnia.”
Caffeine is a stimulant chemical, this is a fact. But the caffeine in an average cup of coffee is quickly processed through the body, and most of this substance (an estimated 75%) is disposed of by the body in the following five hours, far away from nighttime.
Myth number 2: “Coffee can dehydrate you.”
Coffee is mostly water with natural additives. All of the H2O in a cup makes up for the dehydrating natural effects of caffeine, that are not strong enough for dehydrating a person when it’s diluted in water. Still, it shouldn’t be your drink of choice after a big game.
Myth number 3: “Got hangover? Drink coffee.”
Sure, it can reduce the grogginess the morning after a big party, and make you more alert as coffee often does. But it can’t cure the hangover.
Myth number 4: “Coffee can make you lose weight.”
Coffee has the property of enhancing the metabolism speed, but not for much and not for long, thus making it effective for dieting. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, nonetheless.
Myth number 5: “Be careful, caffeine is highly addictive.”
This is only a half-truth myth because there could be some risks but the addiction is not as depicted on tv and media, coffee is not a gateway drug. Nonetheless, it stimulates the Central Nervous System; but the symptoms and withdrawal are nothing compared to real drugs.
Myth number 6: “Coffee will stunt your growth.”
This myth has been around forever, and it’s often said to children. However, the belief that coffee does stunt your growth is a lie. No scientific evidence supports this one.
Myth number 7: “Coffee causes heart diseases, cancer, etc.”
Yet again, no scientific evidence supports this myth. However, we always recommend avoiding excesses, even in coffee. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you might experience a temporary, yet not excessive, rise in your heart rate, but there is no scientifically proven link between caffeine and high cholesterol nor cardiovascular diseases.
Myth number 8: “Coffee is bad for pregnant women and their babies.”
Caffeine won’t directly harm a fetus. However, it’s advised that women should limit their daily caffeine intake to about one cup of standard coffee each day. Caffeine can reach the baby via the placenta, but no concrete studies are proving this to be harmful.
Myth number 9: “All coffee has the same amount of caffeine.”
Not all brews are the same, and some cups have a lot more caffeine than others. Not all coffee is created, grown or prepared equal, and this can definitely explain why some shops make coffee that gives you a little more buzz than others.
Did you believe in any of these myths? Or were you surprised by the truth? Don’t forget to leave your comments and questions on the section below, and follow us on out That Coffee Roasters social networks.

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