viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

What You Should Know about Coffee Beans

Many people know Arabica and Robusta, but did you know that there are more? 

You think you know everything about coffee, don’t you? Chances are you do know a lot. However, within the coffee industry there’s always something new to learn, and, when it comes to coffee beans, there’s way much more! If you want to understand how a coffee business works, you need to dive deeper into this work area and increase your knowledge. For this reason, That Coffee Roasters offers you the opportunity to learn more about the coffee beans that roasting companies use to create the best coffee.

Knowing the truth about coffee beans

In general, the coffee bean is recognized by everyone, although only a few people actually know where it comes from and how it became the product they have in their hands today. Currently, there’s still a lot of information that coffee lovers don’t know about, and that they could actually use to get inspired, create their own businesses, make alliances and grow within an area they are passionate about.

With this statement in mind, That Coffee Roasters brings you information that every coffee enthusiast should know! Read on and learn more about the coffee business and its beans!

Beyond Arabica and Robusta coffee plants

As you may already know, the coffee beans come from cherries found in the Coffea Genus trees. At present, there are about 124 species of this plant, so it’s impossible that there are only two types of coffee beans in the world. Both Coffea arabica (Arabica coffee) and Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee) are the most commonly used for the production of coffees and blends. However, two other types of coffee beans can be found in the industry: Liberica and Excelsa.

Although these two types of coffees are rarely consumed due to their complexity, lack of self-pollination, or lack of yield. Some companies use them to make blends that can please the most exotic palates of their customers.

The origin of coffee beans

One of the biggest coffee mysteries is its origin. The truth is that no one can specify which was the first coffee bean harvested. However, there are several theories about the origin of its use. The first refers to an Ethiopian goat herder of the 9th century named Kaldi, who, after seeing his goat full of vitality thanks to the coffee cherries, decided to try the stimulating properties of the beans. A second theory places the discovery of coffee in the hands of a Yemenite Sufi mystic that decided to try the tree fruit after seeing that the Ethiopian birds had a lot of vitality because of it.

Finally, the third theory recounts that Omar, an Abu al-Hasan ash-Shadhili disciple, discovered the effects of coffee beans after being exiled in a cave. To avoid starvation, he tried to consume the coffee beans raw, roasted and boiled.

The term “origin” for beans

Nowadays it’s important to know where the coffee that customers like so much comes from. As the concept indicates, “origin” refers to the place where the coffee beans were grown. Today, most of it comes from the world largest coffee producers, including Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam, which are located in the so-called coffee belt (an area between the Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer).

Single Origin

Generally speaking, you probably think that the term only refers to the fact that the coffee comes from a specific country or farm. It’s true that it indicates that the bean was grown in a specific place, but it also takes into account other factors, such as if it comes from a specific lot, state, or a micro lot grown in a specific area and environment. The importance of this identification lies in the fact that you can trace the exact origin of the product and know that the coffee you are consuming is not a blend, but a pure coffee.

The world of coffee is full of definitions, processes, materials, and labels. To understand the industry you need to obtain the right knowledge and get expert advice. For example, if you plan to explore the coffee roasting market and want to know the best coffee products, all you have to do is contact an expert, such as That Coffee Roasters.

As roasters, we specialize in the production of the best Colombian roasted coffee, so our knowledge in the area is quite extensive. If you want to know more about the roasted coffee bean, its origin, and its qualities, just follow us through our social networks and discover everything we have to offer.

There is a lot you still don't know about these seeds!

Phone Number: (305) 821-8811
Instagram: thatcoffeeroasters

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